TES recognised with an Armed Forces Covenant Silver Award
We are very pleased to announce that TES 2000 has been recognised with a Silver Award from the UK Armed Forces Covenant programme.
The scheme recognises the commitments that Employers make that support our armed forces.
This quote has been released by Johnny Mercer MP, Minister for Defence People and Veterans, regarding the AFC Silver Awards.

Commenting on the award, Paul Austin, Managing Director said;
TES are a family run business with strong links to the military community with our Head Office based in Colchester.
Our business is built on the same values that can be found in the military community which is what makes Services Leavers, Reservists and Veterans an excellent resource for any business.
We are incredibly proud to receive formal recognition of our ongoing support for our Armed Forces by being awarded silver on the Employer Recognition Scheme and look forward to a long and rewarding partnership.