SSOWP: Safe System of Work Planner

Course Summary

This course is designed to train persons who are responsible for undertaking this role as part of their duties on Network Rail Infrastructure.  

It is designed to develop a person’s knowledge, understanding and skills and is therefore particularly suited to persons required to prove their capability in these areas. 

Course Aim

The aim of this course is to provide delegates with the underpinning knowledge and skills to complete Safe Work Pack (SWP) for staff required to work on the Network Rail Controlled Infrastructure. 

Course Award

Delegates will be awarded with a Sentinel-recognised certificate upon successful completion of this course.

Prerequisites and Requirements

  • Candidates who do not hold a valid PTS competence are required to complete the PTS e-learning prior to attending. 
  • Candidates must have passed the SSOWP pre-training assessment. 
  • Must be a minimum age of 18.
  • Produce a form of photographic ID (e.g. passport, photocard driving licence etc).
  • Have a good understanding of the English language.

Course Duration

Initial: 4 days

Re-cert: 2 days

If you'd like to know more about this course, why not drop us a message.