LKT (Lookout)

Course Summary

This course provides delegates with the skills and underpinning knowledge that is required to undertake Lookout duties on Network Rail Infrastructure.

Course Aim

At the end of the training delegates who have successfully completed the course will be able to carry out the duties of a Lookout to the standard of competence laid down in the knowledge and practical assessments.

Course Award

Delegates will be awarded with a Sentinel recognised certificate upon successful completion of this course. An update to the candidate’s Sentinel card, showing Lookout competence, will be applied for.

Prerequisites and Requirements

  • Must be a minimum age of 18. 
  • Must meet the medical requirements of Network Rail Standard NR/L2/OHS/00124 Medical Fitness Level 3. 
  • In addition, the requirements of Network Rail Standard NR/L2/OHS/00120 (Drugs and Alcohol) must be met. 
  • Must have sufficient command of English language, and of the English language as detailed in Network Rail Company Specification NR/S/CTM/021 (Competence & Training in Track Safety). Must hold a valid Sentinel Track Safety Card endorsed with PTS and must be out of learning support. The ability to work alone. 
  • They cannot attend if their sentinel card is endorsed that they must be accompanied. 
  • It is the responsibility of delegates’ Local Manager to decide upon their suitability to attend this course, in accordance with the current issue of NR/L2/CTM/021- Competence and Training in Track Safety. 
  • Specific written authority of a Company Director detailing the necessity for this training event.

Course Duration

1/2 Day

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